


Creativity sessions, essays, interviews for vision creation


Use for

Vision creation.


Creativity is needed to formulate a vision of a desired future situation that goes beyond accepted truths and ideas about what is feasible. Promoting creativity is therefore the key to the various methods of vision creation.

What do you do?

Various methods can be used to create a vision. They include:

  • Workshop sessions The sessions must be carefully designed and properly coached to get people to think in new ways. Techniques that could be used include having people describe a dream from the future to their grandchildren; the use of metaphors; Socratic methods, visualisation techniques.
  • Focused interviews You interview participants and ask them to give their vision of how they would like to see the situation in, say, 50 years. If it is too difficult to formulate a vision in a single session, you could organise another interview and ask the participants to elaborate on their earlier comments or give their response to elements from visions of the future expressed in other interviews.
  • Essays A tried and trusted method is to ask two or three experts to write an essay. The experts should be selected for their ability to think creatively and should be properly briefed. The essays can be used to spark further ideas. You can also use the various methods one after another, for example starting with interviews, then organising workshops based on the results of the interviews, followed in turn by essays.


In general, methods of vision creation require the involvement of experts. Various training courses in vision creation can be found on the internet.

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