- Programma
- Tips on transition work
- Definitions
- Publications
- Courses
- About transitions
- Search
- Colophon
- Sitemap
- Links
- Visioning reorienting
- How do I define the scope of the vision?
- What is the result?
- Vision creation - a collective process or not?
- How do I assemble an arena group?
- What criteria should a chairperson meet?
- Is an arena group a permanent group?
- How long does it take to build a vision?
- What support is needed for a transition?
- What should I be particularly aware of as policymaker?
- What background information should I collect?
- What can go wrong in a collective vision creation process?
- Does participation mean commitment?
- What methods are there for creating a vision?
- Creating outlines
- What are the criteria for an action plan?
- What learning objectives and activities should I include?
- What major challenges does management face?
- What criteria does the executive organisation have to meet?
- What criteria should a project portfolio meet?
- What support is needed?
- How do I deal with uncertainties?
- What aspects of communication need to be considered?
- Embedding
- Monitoring
- Why does monitoring receive special attention?
- What is reflexive monitoring?
- How is reflexive monitoring different?
- What are, in general, the objectives of monitoring and evaluation?
- Can learning be combined with accountability?
- Why is participation important?
- What is the role of the reflexive monitor?
- What are the monitor’s tasks?
- Is an external monitor necessary?
- What do I monitor or evaluate?
- Competences
- Examples
- Methoden
- Acceleration sessions
- Actor, network or stakeholder analyses
- Backcasting
- Causal analysis
- Causal loop diagrams
- Cognition model
- Collective system analysis
- Counter-Intuitive Innovation Approach
- Creativity sessions, essays, interviews for vision creation
- Dynamic learning agenda
- Eye-opener workshop
- Forward and backward mapping
- Indicator sets
- Interpretive frame approach
- Learning history, Timeline method
- Matchmaking event
- MiXT
- Most significant change method
- Multi Level Perspective Analysis (MLP)
- Narrative analysis
- Process accelerator ProVer
- Reflexive Interactive Design (RIO)
- Reflexive process description
- Reflexive process monitoring (RPM)
- Reflexive programme monitoring
- Scenario development
- SCENE (SoCial, ENvironmental and Economic model)
- Societal Anchoring Analysis
- Socio-technical problem analysis
- Socratic intervision method
- Stakeholder management
- Strategic Niche Management (SNM)
- Technological Innovation Systems approach (TIS)
- Theory of Change
- Transition management (TM)
- Transitioning method
- U-process
- Experiment
- Tips on transition work
- Definitions
- Publications
- Courses
- About transitions
- Search
- Colophon
- Sitemap
- Links
- Visioning reorienting
- What is special about transition experiments?
- What is the outcome of the vision creation process?
- What is a key idea for a system innovation?
- How do I define the subject?
- How do I create a vision?
- Is a vision immutable?
- Is collective vision creation necessary?
- Who should I choose as participants?
- What criteria should the process meet?
- What knowledge and skills are needed?
- What to do about power differences?
- What to do if participants fall back into the obvious?
- How long does it take to formulate a vision?
- Creating outlines
- What criteria should the action plan meet?
- What external information do I require?
- Who do I involve in the implementation?
- What support is useful for a transition?
- Does my experiment need protection?
- Why is learning important?
- What are important learning objectives?
- What should I do with what is learned?
- How do I handle opposition?
- How to deal with a threatened loss of support?
- What do I need to think of in terms of communication?
- Embedding
- Monitoring
- Why does monitoring receive special attention?
- What is reflexive monitoring?
- How is reflexive monitoring different?
- What are, in general, the objectives of monitoring and evaluation?
- Can learning be combined with accountability?
- Why is participation important?
- What is the role of the reflexive monitor?
- What are the monitor’s tasks?
- Is an external monitor necessary?
- What do I monitor or evaluate?
- Competences
- Examples
- Methoden
- Acceleration sessions
- Actor, network or stakeholder analyses
- Backcasting
- Causal analysis
- Causal loop diagrams
- Cognition model
- Collective system analysis
- Counter-Intuitive Innovation Approach
- Creativity sessions, essays, interviews for vision creation
- Dynamic learning agenda
- Eye-opener workshop
- Forward and backward mapping
- Indicator sets
- Interpretive frame approach
- Learning history, Timeline method
- Matchmaking event
- MiXT
- Most significant change method
- Multi Level Perspective Analysis (MLP)
- Narrative analysis
- Process accelerator ProVer
- Reflexive Interactive Design (RIO)
- Reflexive process description
- Reflexive process monitoring (RPM)
- Reflexive programme monitoring
- Scenario development
- SCENE (SoCial, ENvironmental and Economic model)
- Societal Anchoring Analysis
- Socio-technical problem analysis
- Socratic intervision method
- Stakeholder management
- Strategic Niche Management (SNM)
- Technological Innovation Systems approach (TIS)
- Theory of Change
- Transition management (TM)
- Transitioning method
- U-process