


Process accelerator ProVer


Use for

Managing facts, interests and the objectives of parties in a collaborative process in a clear, structured and explicit manner.


Parties collaborating in system innovation projects need to be clearly aware of each other's interests, values and perceptions if they are to produce workable solutions. This provides insight into what scope there is for innovation. The parties also benefit from structured management of those issues on which their opinions differ.

What do you do?

You structure a problem in terms of interests, objectives and special conditions of the parties involved and the facts. On that basis, you then organise a discussion between stakeholders on innovative solutions, making a distinction between topics that are or are not disputed. The subjects that are not in dispute provide the common ground for the cooperation. The disputed subjects are discussed further.

With these preliminary steps to create a structure, you identify potential areas of conflict with the stakeholders (what precisely does the cooperation concern?). It will then generally be possible to avoid potential conflicts. Together with the stakeholders you also formulate common objectives for an experiment, which are arranged in order of importance.

Related methods: DEED, stakeholder management.


The method lends itself particularly well to the implementation of  new experimental practices. Other prerequisites are:

  • a facilitator who enjoys the trust of all the parties
  • a facilitator who is independent
  • a facilitator who is familiar with the method and can listen well
  • openness from the parties involved
  • a willingness on the part of the parties involved to invest the time needed (all of the participants must attend every meeting)
  • participants with a mandate from the group they are representing or with the contacts in their own organisation needed to get things done.

More information

Websitepage of TNO on Prover

Used by

Elsbeth Roelofs, TNO: