


Stakeholder management


Use for

Prompting stakeholders to bring about a specific change in the action of a target group. 


You need to understand the social environment(social networks)as a basis for specificinterventions to realise the ambitions for innovation.

What do you do?

Stakeholder management combines a network analysis and the creation of coalitions for change. You follow a structured approach:

You start by performing a stakeholder analysis and establishing initial contacts. These contacts will inform you who the ‘movers' and ‘blockers' for the planned innovation are and who has not yet taken a position (‘floaters'). This is the first step in creating a network. By informing the participants about the ambitions for innovation and the need for innovation you encourage them to innovate (information phase

In the consultation phase you try to channel opposition and interests. You also forge coalitions to carryout experiments. In the process, you confront stakeholders with their current choices and action, while building pressure for change and seeking advice.

When the time comes to implement the innovation (collaboration phase), you try to anchor the innovation in the actions of the most important stakeholder in the network institutions


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More information

(in Dutch) Wijnands, F.G. (2009). Telen met toekomst: verduurzamen van gewasbescherming. Syscope 22, pp 55-59. 

Used by

Among others: Frank Wijnands, Wageningen UR