
Duurzaam Door

If you have any questions about transition work or questions, comments and suggestion about the site please get in touch with: José Andringa:, tel. 088 6022672.


Lydia Sterrenberg is the author of the text of this website which is based on contributions from many professional in the field and researchers. The site was commissioned in 2008 by the Knowledge network for System Innovations and Transitions and the Dutch Competence Centre for Transitions (Competentiecentrum Transities). Since then only some examples and publications were added, and in 2005 an update of links took place.

The following group of about twenty professionals in the field of transitions made valuable suggestion for a text version of the website. Dr Barbara van Mierlo (Communication and Innovation studies) and Dr Boelie Elzen (Livestock Research) at Wageningen University made very helpful comments on the Monitoring and Evaluation section. An advisory group was involved in guiding the whole process of developing and producing this website. The group included the following:

  • ir. José Andringa, (in 2006-2011: CompetentieCentrum Transities)
  • Ir. Theo van Bruggen, (at the time:CompetentieCentrum Transities)
  • Prof. Dr. John Grin,Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
  • Gertjan Fonk, Ministerie van EZ (then: InnovatieNetwerk)
  • Dr. Derk Loorbach, Erasmus Universiteit, Drift
  • Dr. ir. Rob Raven,Universiteit Utrecht (then: TU Eindhoven, School of Innovation Sciences)
  • Dr. Rob Weterings, TNO (then: TNO en Competentiecentrum Transities).