



This section includes a list of methods that can be used in transition projects. Select individual methods with the filter or use a search term under 'Key word'.

Use for: Generating suggestions for answers to difficult questions relating to transitions, often about bottlenecks for upscaling/anchoring; trans-sectoral learning.
Use for: Determining which actors you need to concentrate on.
Use for: Determining activities that can be taken in the short term to realise a system innovation based on a long-term vision.
Use for: Reflection on problems with system innovation.
Use for: Identifying perverse links or system errors.
Use for: Exploring (and ultimately creating) the scope for innovative problem definitions and solutions.
Use for: Identifying system features and actors that prevent or promote the planned system innovation in order to jointly decide on activities.
Use for: Identifying fixed patterns in cognition and social environment and interventions to overcome them.
Use for: Highlighting competing claims and stakeholder strategies and identifying innovative concepts or practices that can count on wide support.
Use for: Formulating, recording and updating long-term challenges and specific possible actions.
Use for: The systematic exploration of how an experiment fits in with views and interests in the environment and of options to improve the match.
Use for: Reflecting on lessons/insights from system innovation projects or programmes and translating them into valuable insights for the participants.
Use for: Vision creation, producing an action plan with a good mix between feasibility and degree of innovation.
Use for: Monitoring and recording the learning and innovation process in a system innovation project or programme.
Use for: Exploring (and ultimately creating) the scope for innovative definitions and solutions for a problem.
Use for: Advanced learning; reflexive monitoring in action.
Use for: Pairing off frontrunners or innovators from two parties who need each other but would not normally meet each other.
Use for: Defining and supervising transition projects ('transition experiments' in jargon) in a structured manner. MiXT consists of a combination of methods.
Use for: Identifying important phases and changes in projects or programmes in order to learn from them.
Use for: Defining the relevant societal context of a transition project or programme. 
Use for: Reorientation, identifying perverse links.
Use for: Managing facts, interests and the objectives of parties in a collaborative process in a clear, structured and explicit manner.
Use for: Real-time evaluation of current experiments; second-order learning.
Use for: Designing new socio-technical systems involving a system innovation and identifying issues calling for research and development.
Use for: Keeping records of crucial moments and changes; reviewing progress and securing input for further action.
Use for: Identifying learning processes and helping participants in system innovation projects to reflect on ways of improving the project.
Use for: Reflecting on the progress and effectiveness of a transition programme so that any necessary adjustments can be made.
Use for: Describing possible alternative futures.
Use for: System analysis, identifying perverse links.
Use for: Exploring what might be needed to make a socio-technological innovation more robust for later application.
Use for: Producing a common analysis of a problem and identifying obstacles to solving the problem.
Use for: Second-order learning; formulating/deepening a vision in heterogeneous teams.
Use for: Prompting stakeholders to bring about a specific change in the action of a target group. 
Use for: Advanced learning. Strategic Niche Management (SNM) is primarily an analytical tool for assessing radical socio-technical innovations and innovation programmes. The analysis can lead to adjustment of the innovation programme.
Use for: Identifying possible bottlenecks for anchoring initiatives for system innovation.
Use for: Identifying how an intervention will lead to change or the envisaged results.
Use for: Instituting, promoting or steering a long-term social transformation process.
Use for: Assessing the potential of a current or planned innovation experiment to make a maximum contribution to the envisaged transition.
Use for: Producing a vision/plan for a change process in which there are major conflicting interests and a large number of parties are needed to solve a problem.