What should I do with what is learned?

The findings from a transition project are not only relevant for those who are carrying out the project or related ones. They can also be important for other stakeholders. For example, cumulative learning experiences might prompt a company's management to make different choices, could lead to a change in educational curricula or might cause an authority to revise its rules. 

Disseminating learning experiences

You should therefore ask yourself which key parties for a system innovation need to be informed of the learning experiences. Could you involve them at an early stage of the project and allow them to learn along with you? You should also consider what other channels you could use to disseminate the learning experiences, such as conferences, articles in professional journals, the internet, working visits, presentations and newspaper articles.

Keeping a record of learning experiences

You should, in any case, arrange for learning experiences to be systematically recorded during the project. You will not only be helping yourself but also other transition professionals who are working on similar or related projects.

For methods see for example the Dynamic learning agenda, the Learning History or Timeline method, the Reflexive proces description or the Reflexive proces monitoring