What is the outcome of the vision creation process?

Your vision

  • Clearly identifies the social challengethat you are addressing
  • Explains the general solution you are aiming for
  • Specifies the fundamental innovation of your experiment
  • Is sufficiently specific to guide your experiment
  • Is sufficiently appealing to motivate stakeholder
  • Is sufficiently robust or realistic to succeed.

 In formulating the vision you should also have considered:

  • Other relevant experiments
  • How you will link your experiment to general trends (developments at landscape level, in transition jargon)
  • Structural bottlenecks that explain why the goal has not yet been accomplished; this is an aspect you also address when you flesh out your ideas in an action plan.

Decide which criteria are the most decisive

The various criteria cannot simply be combined. For example, the more innovative a vision, the less robust and realistic it is likely to be. That in turn reduces the chance that the vision will appeal to others. You should therefore think about which criteria should be the most decisive.

