What learning objectives and activities should I include?

There are two learning objectives you should consider when producing an action plan. You have to translate them into activities such as workshops, intervision and research.

 Learning from other relevant experiments

The first objective is to learn from other relevant projects in the programme and elsewhere, because it is often possible to learn a lot from the approach, problems and solutions of these projects. Think ahead fo what you would like to learn about, for example technological possibilities and structural aspects, such as the characteristics of the market, consumer acceptance, cultural changes, dealing with regulations and gaps in knowledge.

System learning and second-order learning

Attention should also be devoted to system learning and individual and group second-order learning. With system learning, the participants together learn about the regime changes needed for new practices. Second-order learning is about changes in deeper convictions and values. These forms of learning are important because they enable people to make the change in their perceptions of problems or solutions that is needed for the system innovation. See also: 'About Transitions'. System learning and second-order learning are therefore also important elements of 'Reflexive monitoring'. On this point, see the cluster ‘Monitoring and evaluation'.

A detailed plan

Three tips for drafting a detailed action plan are:

  • Reserve time and capacity for learning activities and ensure that whatever is learned is systematically recorded. On this point, see also the cluster ‘Monitoring and evaluation'.
  • Immediately identify the key parties that need to learn from practical experience for a system innovation. Can you involve them at an early stage so that they can learn?
  • You could also already consider which routes you will use to disseminate learning experiences, such as conferences, articles in professional journals, internet, working visits, presentation and newspaper articles.