




Use for

The systematic exploration of how an experiment fits in with views and interests in the environment and of options to improve the match.


Incorporating the views of stakeholders in the design of the experiment increases support for the experiment. The method provides a structure for incorporating the views of stakeholders. 

ESTEEM is a method targeted mainly at developers of major engineering projects (e.g. wind parks).

What do you do?

The method involves six steps (see also the figure):

figuur ESTEEM350


  1. Investigate the history of the project together with the project team
  2. Supervise the creation of a vision by the pioneers and explore the views of stakeholder
  3. Identify any conflicting issues
  4. Together with the initiator of the experiment, generate a portfolio of options for solving those conflicts
  5. Organise a workshop on the solutions with the stakeholder
  6. On the basis of all the information, together with the project team draw conclusions and make recommendations to the initiator on possible changes to the experiment.

The method is related to the Societal Anchoring Analysis, although that analysis focuses more on actors in the domain of research & development.


Experience with ESTEEM is desirable, although a detailed description of the method can be found on the website

More information

Used by

Among others: Rob Raven, University of Utrecht: