How do I measure societal anchoring?

There are numerous indicators of societal anchoring. The best ones to use depend on your hypothesis of how your intervention could lead to system innovation. But the choice of indicators also depends on the objective and target group of your monitoring and evaluation. See also the cluster 'Monitoring and evaluation'. In other words, though it is impossible to lay down general rules, some signs you might want to look out for are:

  • New and more intensive lobbies for sustainable development
  • Changes in the perceptions of actors (their values, views, attitudes)
  • Convergence of the views of stakeholder
  • Publicity for new concepts in magazines and trade journals and at conferences
  • Incorporation of ideas about sustainability in formal policy documents, advisory reports
  • New routines, standards that promote sustainability
  • New competences in organisations
  • New knowledge or other networks or changes in existing networks
  • New roles and identities for relevant organisations
  • New markets; growing market shares for sustainable products
  • Changes in the physical infrastructure that promote sustainable practice
  • Abolition of inhibiting formal rules or adoption of new policy rules or financial arrangements to promote sustainability
  • New curricula for courses