Why is societal anchoring important?

There is often no lack of innovative projects, but individual transition projects are often not followed up. It does not go beyond a single project or several projects and no wider movement is created. Some of the reasons for this are:

  • The projects are not designed in a way that matches the existing regime or the existing structure
  • Changing the regime is beyond the capacity of the initiators of the project and consequently there is no follow-up to it. Other people in other settings should take over responsibility but don't necessarily do so
  • There is no sense of urgency, and even organisations that would be willing to experiment without a sense of urgency do not, for example because they don't know how to or there is no money for a follow up
  • New government policies are needed to facilitate the implementation of the new practices on a larger scale (new conditions for granting subsidies or specific environmental rules, for example), but the government is not yet willing to change them.

In other words, more is needed to make the transformation from individual and local projects to a social movement.