What institutional changes should I consider?

Transitions or system innovations ultimately depend on institutional change (changes in the regime). Without these changes, existing patterns of behaviour will prevail over new ones. It may be necessary to establish:

  • New organisations. These are often organisations that combine formerly separate domains and tasks. Examples would be new chain organisations, care and housing associations and organisations that combine fundamental and applied research. But it can also be a question of giving platform or arena groups or network organisations a more permanent status, or institutionalising them. Examples of institutionalised platforms are the Round Table for a sustainable cocoa economy and similar Round Tables for palmoil and soy
  • New formal rules or policy to promote system innovation, such as legislation that creates scope for experiments or new financial constructions, new regulations
  • New distribution channels and markets
  • New routines, protocols, standards
  • Revised or new research programmes or educational curricula
  • New knowledge and/or new networks or communities of practice in which supportive learning occurs
  • Changes in physical infrastructure (for example in the ICT infrastructure, the electricity grid)

